Our anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength. - Charles Spurgeon
Welcome to the High/Low Weekly! Starting today, we’re making a short High/Low every week to help brighten your day. We’ll include an image and a short message that will hopefully be encouraging, comforting, or just a little fun!
Today’s quote:
“Our anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strengths.” - Charles Spurgeon
As humans, it seems to be part of our nature to worry about our future - and while there’s certainly nothing wrong with planning ahead, if we let it consume us too much it can start to keep us from the things that matter right now. Sometimes we just need to let go of our attempts to control the future and enjoy the things we have in the present. After all, the only time we’re ever guaranteed is right now - so we might as well make the most of it!
Every day comes with its fair share of difficulties, and right now looking at all the steps ahead of you might be overwhelming, especially if today has already been hard. But worrying about future battles only weakens your ability to face today. Don’t try to fight tomorrow’s battles: start by facing what must be done today - you might find you had more strength than you once thought!